Старый сайт МЛЦ МГУ имени М.В. Ломоносова
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Весенний набор студентов на кафедру

Кафедра приглашает студентов 2-го курса на виртуальные встречи!

Семинар МЛЦ и кафедры

Заседание кафедры ОФиВП

26 февраля 2021 
15:00 виртуальная аудитория в Zoom

Семинар кафедры ОФиВП

Шипило Д.Е.     


Главная Наука в центре Конференции Наука



CLEO/Europe-EQEC Focus Meeting

This year for the first time, a special focus meeting will be organized within ECOC 2006 by the European Physical Society, in co-operation with Optical Society of America and IEEE/Lasers and Electro-Optics Society. Within the themes of this meeting, new developments and directions are explored that have strong potential for optical communication while not yet present on the list of ECOC topics. Program Committee:
  • Daan Lenstra (COBRA Research Institute, Eindhoven, The Netherlands)
  • John M. Dudley (Universitй de Franche-Comtй, Besanзon, France)
  • John Rarity (University of Bristol, Bristol, UK)
  • Claudio R. Mirasso (Universitat de les Illes Balears, Palma de Mallorca, Spain)
Scope of the Focus meeting: The implementation of next-generation optical networks presents many challenges that will require fundamentally new research into optical sources and components, photonic materials,and physical layer transmission methods and security. This CLEO/Europe-EQEC Focus meeting aims to respond directly to this need by providing a forum to discuss a range of important new concepts that may become critical to future optical communications systems. To complement the papers delivered within the main scope of ECOC, the meeting will focus on basic science, emphasizing proof-of-concept results in emerging and pre-deployment technologies. In 2006, the particular areas to be highlighted cover the areas of nonlinear optics, quantum information technology, and chaotic optical systems and their applications. Papers will highlight the latest achievements in these fields and provide an up-to-date overview of the most important new research directions. The aim of the meeting is to provide significant new stimulation for ongoing research in these important technical areas.

Submission: Papers can be submitted using the online paper submission process available on the ECOC website www.ecoc2006.org.

The submission deadline is 20 April 2006.

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